It was recommended in the Midterm Review Workshop that the Project conducts some on the ground interventions through the Monitoring Component in countries that do not have Pilot Sites: Jordan and Djibouti. Jordan has suggested two on the ground interventions. Monitoring of Deep Sea Fishing and Assessment of Deep Sea Fishing Feasibility; and a Study on Monitoring of Degraded Habitats and Feasibility of Restocking. Concept documents have been prepared for the two interventions. The National Coordinator in consultation with the National Steering Committee is taking sometime in the process of identifying a suitable National Institute to conduct the intervention. Ideas exchanged in the National Steering Committee towards the end of 2016 include merging the two interventions in one and move stepwise based on initial results obtained in the assessment of the coastal degrade and overfished habitats
On the Ground Interventions in Jordan
Feb 17 ,2024
1 Minutes To Full Read
Feb 19 ,2024
In collaboration with the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency EEAA, the Regional Organization for Conservation of the Environment of the Red …
Feb 19 ,2024
A team from PERSGA SEM Project PCU, the Red Sea State Ministry of tourism, Wildlife Administration, and an international consultant …
Feb 19 ,2024
The main focus in Component 3 during 2016 was follow up of the monitoring activities in countries that have signed …
Feb 19 ,2024
The SEM C1 & C2 coordinators conducted two joined missions in March and June 2016, to follow up and discuss …